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Double Your Dating

Do not RUE here is your Love Guru.

Guys First.

Many people go on dates, some of them are successful and some of them are not. WHY!
Have you ever noticed? Because there are some common mistakes which people (mostly guys) do.
Here I will let you know the DOs and DON'Ts to double your dating.

1)Five Common Mistakes
2)Cocky and Funny Pickup Lines

Five Common Mistakes

Mistake #1) Don't Acting like a Needy or Greedy Person:
One of the biggest secrets of attraction and seduction is a man who appears like he does NOT need a woman. Men buy women drinks in bars. They buy them gifts, vacations, and even cars. Yes, I've seen this my own two eyes.
If a woman is not interested in you then you need to learn how to move on. When you see a woman, interact with her and her friends, you cannot appear needy on ANY level. You must behave as though you do not need their company or their approval. Neediness is very unattractive to women and VERY unattractive to the hottie who can have any man she wants.

Mistake #2) No Understanding How Attraction Works: 
A man sees a woman and he becomes attracted. A woman sees a man and thinks "I wonder what he's like?" or "Ewww, I would never date that guy!".
Women become attracted to a man VERY differently than men become attracted to women. If you check out the magazine rack you'll see automobile. sports, and other men's interest magazines littered with covers and ads full of attractive women. You don't see much of that in women's magazines.
Since most men don't understand how attraction works they do things like try to impress them or even worse, they try and CONVINCE her that he's that "nice guy". It just doesn't work.

Mistake #3) Having A One-Way Interaction: 
Ever approach a woman, ask her a question and she only gave you a one word answer? Then you tried again and you got another one? She's clearly not interested, but somewhere in your mind you FEEL that if you just keep on talking you might wear her out. Her REAL, true and caring self will come forth.
If you want to build attraction in women you have to let them participate. This is one reason why pick up lines, magic tricks, and entertaining women doesn't work because men aren't doing this right. If you EXPECT her to participate with what you're trying to do then it makes her more comfortable because you are wanting to know her and not just after her for her looks. Ask her questions which should not have one word answer, she should briefly describe and try to find a word in her answer and ask again and use your cocky and funny pickup lines to impress her.

Mistake #4) No Dating Funnel: 
A man walks up to a woman, uses a clever opener, get's her phone number, calls her a couple days later, he sets up a first date and then they go out. It doesn't work out so he has to start all over again.
A HUGE mistake men make is that they only talk to, flirt, and meet one woman at a time. Imagine how much more powerful your confidence and body language would be if you knew you had 2, 3, or even 5 other dates right after your first one?
You wouldn't act needy. You would be more relaxed and you would NOT think and feel like you HAD to make it work out with any one particular woman. Which leads us to....

Mistake #5) Tunnel Vision: 
This is when a man FEELS and THINKS he has to make it work out with ANY one particular woman. Men that have their choice of women rarely ever get tunnel vision because they know they can always meet another woman. Whereas a man who doesn't have any game or pick up skills finds himself alone on the weekends, drinking beer, and wondering why life is so unfair.
He mopes around because one particular woman did not like him.
If you can get a handle on these 5 Common Dating Mistakes then you won't suffer from tunnel vision, you won't act needy, your confidence will begin to skyrocket, and you'll never have to "perform" in front of a group of women because you know that if they won't commit to a two-way interaction, you're gone.

Cocky and Funny Pickup Lines
'Funny' means which arouse laughter or beyond unusual while 'cocky' implies overly self confident.
I am not going to beat about bush but directly come to the point that you must have seen guys get attracted to women by watching her while on the contrary women have different phenomenon.

Attraction is not a choice; it is not necessary the guy should be attracted, many of you people must have seen a girl is wandering around a nasty, unattractive and simple/common guys. WHY! have you ever realized that?

So Attraction is not a choice not necessary on the contrary Affection is essential.

I am also not very handsome, attractive, muscular or tall guy but personally experienced by using COCKY AND FUNNY PICKUP LINES to approach girls i want, whether i know them, i got her in my way, or in shopping centers or malls or bus stands etc.

Let me give you an example, suppose two girls are standing and talking with each other just go and pass them near by stop and say, EXCUSE ME, ARE U TALKING TO ME? one of them or both will say 'NO' then tell them 'WELL THEN PLEASE START' now these two sentences are called cocky and funny, they must laugh whether externally or internally. Now it depends on you how long you continue that conversation with her or them.

'Well then please start, I am in new in this town and it has been two days i have never talked to anybody' Why are you staring at me, am i look like an alien? just say what ever you want but your sentence should be coated with cocky and funny and yes your voice or tonality should be strong like a VJ, RJ or DJ, you must have listen on Radio.

With the help of cocky and funny pickup lines girls must laugh and it is said that 'a maid that laugh is taken half'

Do something new which no body did or very few guys in this world have done, for example if you want to appraise or praise a girl, don't be monotonous and use the same old lines, I LIKE YOU, I WANT TO MARRY WITH YOU, YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL I HAVE EVER SEEN, WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND....etc. etc.

Let me tell you first give them a shock and praise her, for instance.

You: Don't you get tired? She: (with astonished look or shocked) WHY?
You: Because you travel in my mind throughout a day. She will must laugh.

You: Aren't your feet paining? She: (shocked) NO, WHY?
You: Because it seems like a nymph just fell from heaven unfortunately i was not their to catch her.

You: Would you like to have something? She: NO THANKS.
You: Please, any thing Coffee.........? Tea...........? or Me..........? Oh what you said ME.....

You: Do you know that? She: (shocked) WHAT>>?
You: It is the girl like you that make me wish i were a lesbian.

You: Hey, I lost my mobile number, Can I borrow yours? Don't worry i will give it back to you after two days. Ok give me that on easy installment for two days if you don't want to lend me. :)

You: I will put 'I' and 'U' together (little gap) only if i could rearrange the alphabets.

You: Excuse me! She: Yes, You: Can you sleep on your stomach? She: No.
You: Can I? :)

You: I am sick, She: then go to doctor, You: Doctor told me my medicine is to talk to you.

You: I wish if she were beautiful, She: (will definitely look at you) You: What? Haven't you seen handsome guy before. :)

You: Are u free tonight or will you charge something to me.

You: Do you have a map She: What? You: Because I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.

You: Did the sun come out, She: No its night time, You: then you must smiled at me.

Please bookmark this page, later we will bring some more cocky and funny pickup lines which help you to let women become attracted.

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