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Pregnancy 18-22 weeks

18 Weeks of Pregnancy (Your Baby & Pregnancy)
How big is my baby?
This week your baby measures approximately 12.5-14cm (5-5.6 inches) in length and weighs about 150 grams (5.25 ounces).
Your baby is looking more and more human as time goes by. Your baby can now make facial expressions, including frowning and squinting. Eyes are still closed, but are sensitive to bright light outside your abdomen. Eyelashes and eyebrows have started to grow.
Limbs become longer, start to gain proportion and begin to move as the connections between nerves and muscles are established. The nerves are now being coated in myelin (a fatty layer), enabling them to pass messages to and from the brain. Your baby's hands can now form fists and if they meet, will clasp together.
The lungs are developing, but until birth the placenta will provide your baby's oxygen.
What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?
This trimester you will probably have more energy and will probably be feeling better if you have been feeling sick.
You may not have gained much weight, but your uterus has been pushed forward into your abdomen and can be felt. Normal weight gain at this point is between 2.3-5.8kg (5-13 pounds). If you have gained more than this, you should talk to your health care practitioner. You shouldn't diet during pregnancy, but you do need to make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet. Visit the Essential Baby Diet During Pregnancy pages for more information.
It has become almost routine for you to have at least one ultrasound scan during pregnancy. Ultrasound is used to check your dates and to check for any obvious abnormalities in your baby. A routine scan is usually performed during week 18 or 19. At this stage of development the baby is a good size for viewing by ultrasound, as it is fully formed. Most babies are around the same size at this age. In order to get a good picture of the baby it is necessary to have a full bladder (which can be uncomfortable). You will be asked to drink a few glasses of water and to refrain from urinating an hour or so before the scan. The position of the baby and the placenta is visible, and twins can also be detected. Later in pregnancy scans can be performed to check a baby's growth or to investigate vaginal bleeding.
You may experience nosebleeds or a blocked nose during pregnancy (a bit like sinus or hay fever). This may be due to changes in your circulation. Don't use nasal sprays, decongestants or other over the counter medication before seeking the advice of your doctor.
Your nipples are probably darker in colour and may feel tingly or sore. You will also be able to see the veins in your breasts more clearly. A dark line (linea nigra) may be visible down the middle of your abdomen.
19 Weeks of Pregnancy (Your Baby & Pregnancy)
How big is my baby?
Fetal size: 13-15cm (5.2-6 inches). Fetal weight: 200g (7 ounces).
Your baby continues to mature and grow.
What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?
You are growing each week, and although you may think you are big, you still have a lot more growing to do yet! Maximum weight gain at this point in your pregnancy should be between 2.7 and 6.3 kg (6 and 14 pounds).
Backache can occur at any time during pregnancy but it is more likely to happen later. Try to get rest when you need it, and use heat to alleviate pain. Good posture is essential and lessens the strain on your back. Try to stand up straight. It is also helpful when bending over to bend at the knees, not the waist, keeping the back straight. In later months it is useful to remember to get up from a lying position by rolling onto your side and pushing yourself up.
Your heart is working to supply more blood to your organs, some of which need twice as much blood as usual. Consequently your heart works twice as hard as before, and you may sometimes experience breathlessness.
Dizziness is also a common pregnancy symptom. Low blood pressure, anaemia, or high or low blood sugar can cause dizziness. To avoid dizziness, get up slowly from lying and sitting positions, eat a balanced diet and don't miss meals or go for too long without a snack.
Your nipples are probably darker in colour and may feel tingly or sore. You will also be able to see the veins in your breasts more clearly. A dark line (linea nigra) may be visible down the middle of your abdomen.
20 Weeks of Pregnancy (Your Baby & Pregnancy)
How big is my baby?
Fetal size: (14-16cm 5.6-6.4 inches). Fetal weight: 315g (9 ounces).
Your baby's skin has now formed two layers - the epidermis (outer layers) and the dermis (deep skin tissue). From 20 weeks, your baby's skin starts to secrete vernix (a white pasty substance that protects your baby's skin from the amniotic fluid). The vernix will be present on your baby's skin at birth.
You have now reached the half way mark in your pregnancy!
What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?
You might find that your vaginal discharge increases as your pregnancy progresses. This is normal. The discharge is usually quite thick and is white to yellow in colour. Wear looser cotton underwear, and use panty liners when necessary. If you develop an infection, you will know because your discharge will have an unpleasant smell, will be more yellow to green in colour and will cause irritation or itchiness. Make an appointment to see your health care practitioner if you think you may have an infection.
Sometimes illnesses or complications develop during pregnancy. Two of the most common illnesses during pregnancy include:
Pre-eclampsia - this is the most common major illness of pregnancy and most frequently develops in first pregnancies. It is diagnosed when there is an increase in a woman's "normal" blood pressure, protein in the urine and fluid retention. Blood tests are used to further diagnose and monitor the condition. If pre-eclampsia is suspected the mother and baby will be kept under very close medical supervision. Treatment in the early stages is complete bed rest. However if the condition is in its early stages, a lot of women will feel well and not be aware of any change. Regular antenatal visits are recommended in order to diagnose this condition early. If there is thought to be any risk to the baby or mother, labour will be induced.
Gestational Diabetes - this is the second most common illness in pregnancy and can be linked to your family background. It occurs when a woman's body can't make proper use of the sugar (carbohydrate) that is consumed in her diet. Sugar is used as an energy source for the mother and baby and is essential for healthy growth and development. If the body gets too much or too little, problems can occur. Some health care practitioners test for this condition at about Week 28 (or earlier if any other signs develop, such as sugar being detected in the urine). It is useful to know your medical history, for example, have any members of your family been diagnosed with diabetes or gestational diabetes?
21 Weeks of Pregnancy (Your Baby & Pregnancy)
How big is my baby?
Fetal size: 18 cm (7.2 inches). Fetal weight 300 grams (10.5 ounces).
Your baby has been growing rapidly, but over the last week and during this week, growth slows down and your baby continues to develop and mature in other ways while continuing to gain weight. At 21 weeks, your baby can swallow amniotic fluid. Your baby absorbs the water from the fluid, while any other matter is pushed through to the bowel by the muscle movements of the small intestine. The first bowel movement your baby passes will contain the undigested matter from the swallowed amniotic fluid. This green-black or brown matter (called meconium) will be passed during, or soon after birth.
What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?
Normal weight gain up to and including week 21 is between 3.6 and 6.3 kg (8-14 pounds). The outward signs are there and people will really notice that you are pregnant.
You should really notice your baby's movements by now.
You may begin to see stretch marks on your abdomen and breasts, and you may also notice tiny red marks on your face or arms. Stretch marks should fade after birth and the red lines should disappear altogether. Another pregnancy symptom you may experience is leg swelling, especially if you have been on your feet for most of the day. Try to rest and put your legs up at some point during the day.
Now is the time to review your exercise program. Your size will affect your balance and mobility, so you should think about avoiding team contact sports such as netball, basketball, softball and volleyball. Try swimming, walking and yoga instead.
Heartburn and constipation are common complaints during pregnancy, and you may experience shortness of breath. You may also notice that your gums become spongier.
22 Weeks of Pregnancy (Your Baby & Pregnancy)
How big is my baby?
Fetal size: 19cm (7.6 inches) in length. Fetal weight: 350 grams (12.25 ounces).
Your baby is getting bigger as each day passes. Eyelids and eyebrows and fingernails are developed. Organs are developing to perform their particular functions.
Your baby starts to build an immune system to act as a natural defence against infection. In addition, he/she will begin to produce and store fatty tissue to produce body heat and keep warm. This fatty layer (called brown fat) starts to build up on different parts of the body, and continues to do so until your baby is born. The skin is growing and is protected from the amniotic fluid by a waxy layer (called Vernix). Until your baby develops more fat under the skin, it will remain red and wrinkly. The body is still covered with a fine layer of hair. Baby teeth have been formed and are waiting in the gums. Your baby can now taste and can tell the difference between sweet and bitter.
Your baby starts to move more, becoming more coordinated as muscles develop and strength increases. He/she can now turn and stretch. These movements will build muscle, strengthen bones and improve motor skills, but they may also make your abdomen sore! Your baby will also respond to outside pressure on your abdomen and may move as a result of this. Your baby's heartbeat can be heard using a stethoscope.
The sex organs are distinctive and you may be able to tell the sex of your baby during an ultrasound.
What pregnancy symptoms will I be experiencing?
This is a comfortable point in your pregnancy. You are visibly pregnant, but you will not yet be as uncomfortable as you might become later in your pregnancy. You can still walk, bend over and sit easily, so right now (and over the next few weeks) is a good time to start (or finish off!) all your shopping for the baby, and finalise any hard work on that nursery! Make sure you don't get up on any ladders, and have someone else do the painting for you.
You should still be drinking lots of fluids (preferably water), to help your body make up the extra blood volume required during pregnancy. More fluid may also help if you are experiencing headaches. If your urine is nearly clear, you know your fluid intake is good.
Varicose veins are a common complaint during pregnancy. Varicose veins can be made worse by pregnancy and standing for extended periods of time. Varicose veins are blood vessels that fill up with blood, and in most cases they become worse as your pregnancy progresses. Varicose veins will appear as a blue to purple blemish on the legs, or bulging veins.
Abdominal muscles are stretching and being pushed apart by your growing baby. You may notice abdominal muscle separation when you are lying down - it will look like there is a bulge in the middle of your abdomen. As your abdomen stretches, your skin also expands. This may cause skin irritation and itching, which can be relieved by applying a lotion. There are plenty of stretch mark creams available on the market available at all price ranges, some of EB’s favourite supermarket brands include Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula and Bio-Oil.

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